Sheep & Wool

Bluffwood Socks
Linda (right) helps customer with socks

Raw Fleece,





Bluffwood Wool Products

Bluffwood Landing raises 4 distinct endangered breeds of sheep: Jacob, Tunis, Gotland and Romeldale/CVM. The flock is selected for quality spinning wool, organic survival traits, and personality. Email, call or text LindaDee for purchasing products or livestock. Fleeces are skirted with heavily contaminated areas discarded. Rovings and yarn are processed at professional woolen mills that expertly remove VM (vegetable matter) so they are very clean.


JACOB SHEEP: Small to medium sized with spots, horns, personality! Listed as a “threatened breed” by American Livestock Breeders Conservancy (ALBC). Each fleece and pelt are unique. The spotted trait was selected by Jacob, a shepherd whose family story of love, betrayal and shepherding is told in Genesis. Jacob wool was favored by Elizabeth Zimmerman (famed Wisconsin knitter) and is prized by many spinners and crafters today for it’s many shades of gray, white, black, and brown from one fleece.


TUNIS SHEEP: Red heads with pendulous, expressive ears & creamy white wool. Calm & friendly, these fat tailed beauties originate from breeding stock that arrived on a boat in the late 1700s. Prized by Washington & Jefferson for wool garments, as well as meat and milk. Their meat is listed on the Slow Food American Ark of Taste and is acclaimed by chefs and food critics. Wool hand feel and length varies greatly between flocks… LindaDee’s flock has been bred for quality spinning wool.


CVM / Romeldale SheepCVM/ROMELDALE SHEEP: This fine-wool, “most endangered” American breed first appeared as a “genetic variation” in a California Romeldale flock in the 1960s. While Romeldales are white, the classic CVM is badger-faced, with light body, dark belly, legs and a “badger face”. Some flocks also include gray, black, brown, and moorit. Fleece colors darken with age rather than fading. Romeldales originated through crossing Romney with Rambouillet focusing on wool quality. CVM stands for California Varigated Mutant (a rather unfortunate name, which may account for the rarity of this sheep). Their wool is “oh so soft !”


GOTLAND SHEEP: Originated in Sweden and said to be descendants of sheep raised by Vikings with their wool being spun, then dyed and woven into the sails that powered Viking ships, thus enabling their seafaring exploration, conquests and cultural exchanges. The fiber is long, lustrous, well crimped and a joy to spin. These hardy sheep adapt well to various climates and are sometimes used to graze invasives that other sheep breeds won’t eat.



RAW FLEECES (Skirted or not–your choice)

ROVING: Natural colors, all are lovely for handspinning; also and crafting & felting

YARN (Jacob or Tunis): Millspun by Zeilingers, Frankenmuth, MI; 2 ply worsted, suggested use–sweaters, hats, mittens

SOCKS: millspun and knitted at Zeilingers, Frankenmuth, MI

  • 70% Bluffwood Blend of Tunis & Jacob Wool,
  • plus 30% Nylon (for durability….nobody darns sock holes anymore)

Color is “Light Heathery Brown” …see photo above

  • Bootsock Crew: $25.; 2 Sizes: 9-11 & 10-13
  • Heavy Double Knit Terri Boot Sock: $35. 2 Sizes: 9-11 & 10-13
    (twice as much wool in this one)

PELTS (aka Sheepskins)–Black, White, Brown, Gray or Spotted. No two are alike. Many different spotting patterns, plus solid colors–dark or light.